This weekend was pretty cool. Seoraksan National Park was beautiful. The hiking wasn't easy, but it wasn't rustic either. The whole path had stairs, some metal/wood and others made with the natural rock. There were never any points where you felt like you were really away from civilization. If you've ever climbed the main trail up Seneca Rocks in West Virginia, you know what I mean. That aside, the park was beautiful. The views were great. We could even see the East Coast from the top of the mountain. That was cool.
There was a group of Korean rock climbers having a pretty good time. I was definitely jealous of that. I also got to see a HUGE buddha.
After our first day of hiking, we went to our accommodations. We stayed at a Korean Style (that's code for no bed, just blankets and mats on the floor) motel by the beach. It was a fun night. Hanging out on the beach. Shooting roman candles. I got to touch the Pacific Ocean for the first time in my life.
Sunday morning, we woke up way too early and went for a short hike up a small stream, and some of the guys decided to swim by a waterfall in their skivvies. The water was pretty cold so I did not partake. We hiked back out and headed back to Seoul. Overall, the trip was nice. It was great to breathe clean air and climb a mountain that didn't overlook skyscrapers.
I missed church because of the trip but was able to meet up with a bunch of people afterwards. That was nice. We had our weekly dinner/coffee/whatever else we decide to do. It was fun. That's always the best few hours of my week. I'll put up some more picture soon for those of you who don't have facebook.
very nice scenery shots, amigo.
interesting tidbit about Korean hotels...i'll be sure and bring my camping mat...
look at you taking good photos.
show me more.
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