Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I Earned That Nickname

They didn't call me "The Puppet Master" at camp for nothing. Being a teacher is fun. These kids will do almost anything if I tell them it's cool. Enjoy the videos....

1. "No kids, you may NEVER sing this song while sitting or wearing a hat. Yes, it is ABSOLUTELY necessary to put your hand over your heart. No, those aren't ACTUALLY the last two words of the song, but everyone expects to hear them."

2. "Yes, this is the coolest way to celebrate that you did your homework."

3. "Don't worry. There are only two things you need to know about American Football. First, it is THE greatest sport in the world. Second, there is only ONE team that matters."

I know. I know. I'm a evil genius, but a genius all the same :)


Anonymous said...

Jeffery...I told you not to take advantage of those less intellectually evil than yourself. (As a friend I just had to remind you) :)

(although your best puppet was def. Hackman)

Sir Jefferson of Moses said...

Chelsie...I don't listen to people who don't know how to spell my name (JeffREy).

Anonymous said...

wow you don't get arrested for that? glad to see you are teaching them the good stuff. gotta teach them eagles fans other motto theres always next year