Trash and I went to Daecheon Beach this weekend for the Boryeong Mud Festival. The mud there is known for being extremely good for your skin. Basically, over a period of 9 days, 1.5million people (mostly foreigners) travel to the beach for the festival. Things were quite different. On the ride out, almost every Korean on our bus was a girl....with her foreign boyfriend. As we drove down the highway, every bus was filled with foreigners. Truly, this weekend is the annual, great, white migration out of Seoul.
The festival itself was great fun. We arrived and immediately painted ourselves with the mud in the buckets strewn about. We COVERED ourselves. It was great. There were some foreigner cover bands playing....they were ok. There were wrestling pits and a huge mudslide. It was quite great. The ocean water was absolutely perfect. We spent a lot of time just floating around and cleaning off the mud...and then putting on a fresh layer. The whole day was great.
We cleaned ourselves up one last time. Then we had Pizza Hut deliver on the beach. We ate, met my friend Alana, and watched the most amazing fireworks I've ever seen. They were launched from a big barge just off the coast.
Overall, Mud Fest was fantastic. I wish I had time to go back again this year.
(Here are some pictures from the festival: Set #1 and Set #2)
Yugs, daw nabasahan ko naman ni sa iban nga blog?
It sounds like Korean dudes have a rough deal. I'd be pretty hacked off if I were them, you whities coming over with your body hair and tallness, taking their chicks. Maybe you should spare a thought for the losers of the globalization process. Is there a breed of women somewhere in the world that have a mass attraction to East Asian men? I think there should be. This is unfair.
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