Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fighting TV Addiction

I'm trying to start reading more again, like when I first came to Korea. I thought this excerpt moving enough to post here. This is taken from a personal letter of Leo Tolstoy:

"What about you, Lev Nikolayevich, you preach very well, but do you carry out what you preach?" This is the most natural of questions and one that is always asked of me; it is usually asked victoriously, as though it were a way of stopping my mouth. "You preach, but how do you live?" And I answer that I do not preach, that I am not able to preach, although I passionately wish to. I can preach only through my actions, and my actions are vile....And I answer that I am guilty, and vile, and worthy of contempt for my failure to carry them out.

At the same time, not in order to justify, but simply in order to explain my lack of consistency, I say: "Look at my present life and then at my former life, and you will see that I do attempt to carry them out. It is true that I have not fulfilled one thousandth part of them [Christian precepts], and I am ashamed of this, but I have failed to fulfil them not because I did not wish to, but because I was unable to. Teach me how to escape from the net of temptations that surrounds me, help me and I will fulfil them; even without help I wish and hope to fulfil them.

"Attack me, I do this myself, but attack me rather than the path I follow and which I point out to anyone who asks me where I think it lies. If I know the way home and am walking along it drunkenly, is it any less the right way because I am staggering from side to side! If it is not the right way, then show me another way; but if I stagger and lose the way, you must help me, you must keep me on the true path, just as I am ready to support you. Do not mislead me, do not be glad that I have got lost, do not shout out joyfully: 'Look at him! He said he was going home, but there he is crawling into a bog!' No, do not gloat, but give me your help and support."
~Leo Tolstoy

I find the third paragraph resonates with me the most. All to often, God is judged by our feeble, failed attempts to live up to the calling He has placed on our lives. Being yet another example of failure and hypocrisy by which God is measured, and found wanting, is perhaps the most debilitating fear in my life. Here, Tolstoy pens a moving metaphor in which to respond to such accusations against the so-called shortcomings of God. I only hope that someday I may have the gift to produce my own words which people will find as thought-provoking and persuasive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, that is a moving excerpt from Tolstoy.

Your fear seems natural, and even warranted, if it is a fear of the Lord; but rather than being debilitating, I'm sure you'll find a way to make it inspirational.

And, yes, moving words are already in your possession and only a matter of time before the Lord releases them to be mulled over by a larger audience.