Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hopefully Back to Normal

It's been a rough week and a half. All of last week I was battling a chest cold. There was a show in Hongdae I'd been looking forward to for over a month, but I was just too sick to go. On Monday, I finally felt like I was starting to get over the sickness, which was a huge relief. I hate being sick. I turn into a complete baby. Then on Tuesday I woke up and felt kind of queezy. Just the thought of eating kind of turned my stomach. I went to work but "got sick" before my first class. I went home and spent all day curled up in bed watching CSI cursing my stomach. I think it was a mild case of food poisoning. I feel completely better today. I can still feel the cold lingering a little, but I was able to eat for the first time in about 40 hours so that was nice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like you really needed your "mommy" last week. I would've been happy to take care of you!! I miss you around here!
Glad you're feeling better!